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3 Simple Ways to Naturally Reverse Cavities and Heal Tooth Decay

 Do you still believe in the tooth fairy? It’s time to stop and become your own tooth fairy! Your teeth, just like any other part of your body, require your attention and proper care. If you don’t like visiting the dentist, you can try to prevent dental decay on your own. Doctors advise combining excellent dental hygiene with some simple dietary changes.

1 -  Make your own remineralizing toothpaste.

This simple toothpaste recipe requires only a few natural ingredients that you can buy in every store. Since you make it yourself, you can be sure that all the components are natural and won’t harm your health. You’ll need the following ingredients to make the toothpaste: 

  • 4 tbsp calcium powder
  • 1 tbsp stevia
  • 1 tbsp sea salt 
  • 2 tbsp baking soda
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil

 Mix all the ingredients until you get a paste. It should be even with no crumbs. Use it as a substitute for your regular toothpaste. Remember: Don’t use this toothpaste for more than 30 days in a row due to its abrasive structure and absence of fluoride. 

2 - Add supplements and vitamins to your diet.

We’ve already discussed eliminating sweets and candies from your diet, but there’s one more thing you can do to help your saliva fight dental plaque. Vitamins are essential for establishing the good health of your teeth. 

  • To promote salivation, you need to consume a lot of foods rich in fiber such as fruits, nuts, and vegetables. The best ones are apples, bananas, Brussels sprouts, and peas. 
  • Eat whole grain foods. They contain a lot of vitamin B and iron. In addition, whole grains contain magnesium, a mineral that helps absorb calcium and strengthen your teeth.
  •  Eat seafood more often if you want to get more vitamin D from your meals. Salmon, herrings, canned tuna, and sardines are a great source of vitamin D.

3 - Clean and change your toothbrush regularly.

What’s the most important tool that we use to clean our teeth? Right! A toothbrush. However, few people know how important it is to choose the right toothbrush. 

  • Always pick a small or a medium-sized brush, and make sure that its bristles can reach into the crevices of your molars where food remains can hide after you eat. 
  • Don’t use covers for your toothbrush because they may harbor microorganisms and bacteria. Instead, just rinse your brush with water after each use, and leave it to air dry. And don’t leave your brush in the same room as your toilet since fecal bacteria can end up on it.
  •  Change your toothbrush regularly because its bristles deteriorate with time and usage. As a result, you don’t clean your teeth as well as with a new toothbrush.

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source : brightside